Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Peopleline.net Free PBX Outbound Trunk Settings

After much web search and randomly trying different settings (that's what I do because I don't know what I'm doing), we couldn't get our box to call our locally using Peopleline service. However, it worked perfectly and with almost zero latency when using x-lite. At least we knew that it was a simple setting problem in the box. Peopleline clearly states that they do not support Asterisk (because they know how messy it can get, I guess!) but after an email to their support clearly stating that I would not be asking for further support from them if I messed up anything, they gave me something that they found in one of their searches (I'd love to know what search engine they use!). After applying these settings, it worked like a charm. I think one of the key settings was the slash and username after the registration key. Here they are (note: i don't have incoming settings yet because my number isn't ported):

XXX = your phone number or temporary three digit user name, depending on whether you are porting a number or not. I'm assuming the XXX will be the number they give you if not and finally your ported number once ported

YYYYYYYY = your secret password provided by peopleline

register => XXX:YYYYYYYY@yourcustomsubdomain.ucantalk.net/XXX

[peopleline] <--trunk name

They also gave this information which I have not yet used:

The corresponding entry in extensions.conf would be:

exten => 501,1,Dial(SIP/extension)
exten => _0[1-9].,1,Dial(SIP/
exten => _00[1-9].,1,Dial(SIP/peopleline/${EXTEN})

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