Monday, June 15, 2009


Until now, we had a relatively perfectly working Asterisk PBX running on an old computer with Trixbox CE I connected from Paris, while Mr. Taylor (MT) was in Vancouver, BC.

Suddenly the hard drive died and became read-only, and then eventually unreadable! After replacing the hard drive, we have installed Trixbox again, but it is in need of some re-configuring.

This time, we will log process and progress.

1. After installation, MT ran a system-config-network so that we could assign a static IP address to our PBX box from behind our router (D-LINK).

Static IP: (example)
Subnet Mask:
Host: (IP of the router)

For some reason the PBX was not reaching the network, and we found that some other devices were probably overlapping the static IP, so we gave the PBX a higher-numbered IP to avoid conflicts. This IP still shows up as something else on the DHCP table in the router settings even though the assigned static IP address is accessible.

2. I ran a yum upgrade to upgrade the packages on the PBX.

3. By default the Web GUI is not accessible outside of the local network, so I will be using an ssh tunnel to reach the web gui for now, although THIS looks promising.

I also updated any modules via the web gui --> Module Admin --> Check for Updates.
I installed the IVR module for later (MT will take care of this).

4. We already had a static address set up for this. Forward your address to the IP address of your Internet connect for your PBX (ie. externip)


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